Wednesday, 26 June 2019

学习颜色色调 Shades of Color

给A1介绍不同颜色的色调。我用厚纸皮和油漆颜色样本制作了彩色片。手工不完美, 但已经达到我的目的。

使用的词汇:浅色, 较浅色, 最浅色, 深色, 较深色, 最深色。之后, 我们一起看《自然》这本英文画本, 里头的画都采用了很丰富的色调。 


Introducing A1 the different shades of color. I made the color tablets using card board and paint color samples. It was not perfect but served the purpose.

Vocabularies used: light, lighter, lightest, dark, darker, darkest.
We later read the book Nature to better appreciate the different shades of colors. (Nature: early learning at the museum ISBN9781788002820, 2018).

Article: Color Learning in Chinese

颜色色调卡片 Color Tablet with control text at the back

The Book “Nature”

Grapes from the Book "Nature"

Tree from the Book "Nature"

Wednesday, 19 June 2019

红蜻蜓幼儿首100字, 第三册 《爸妈》Odonata Reading Program 100.3

红蜻蜓幼儿首100字, 第三册 《爸妈》
Odonata First 100, book #3 (Father and Mother)

我在A1吃早餐时给她念了这本书, 她很快上手, 可能是之前就教过她家庭成员的词汇。 剩下几个比较陌生的词汇就得想些活动. 她要求玩蛋壳,所以我将生词写在鸡蛋壳上让她敲。我想她最喜欢的还是踏鸡蛋壳。

I read A1 the third book during her breakfast. It was easy for her as she had known a few words beforehand.  She asked to play eggshell hitting, so I wrote some ‘new’ words on the eggshell and let her hit on it. I think her favorite part is stomping on the eggshells. 

27-40字: 哥, 妹, 你, 我, 的, 妈, 们, 和, 得, 好, 有, 个, 还,

Words: brother, sister, you, me, ??, mum, ??, and, ??, good, have, ??, also, dad

Other vocabularies for family members:
Father 爸爸
Mother 妈妈
Elder Sister 姐姐
Younger Sister 妹妹
Elder brother 哥哥
Younger brother 弟弟
We 我们
123456 一二三四五六




A1 最爱的踩鸡蛋壳

Friday, 7 June 2019

华语书:打开伞(DVD)Chinese Book "Umbrella"

中文书:打开伞 (DVD)【信谊Bookstart 0-3 语文学习】 - 精装 ISBN9787533280062

这是我从图书馆借的一本中文书。从A1两岁左我就开始给她念, 现在她可以念给妹妹听。 书里的儿歌文字简短,插图可爱, 而且每一首歌都伴有相关的动作。A1 2 都很爱。
Chinese BookUmbrella DVDISBN9787533280062

This is a Chinese book that I borrowed from the library. I've been reading to A1 since she was two years old, and now she can read it to her sister. The children songs in the book is short and simple, the illustrations are lovely, and each song is accompanied by relevant action. Both A1 and A2 love the book.


青蛙跳, 青蛙跳, 青蛙跳跳跳;
青蛙咬, 青蛙咬, 青蛙咬咬咬!



 A1四岁上幼儿园开始接触英文, 还好中文也没退步。五岁上PREP, 说英文越来越多, 学校和图书馆都是英文书多, 中文书我只能上网买。 儿童必读童话故事 (六本) 孩子眼中的十万个为什么 (四本) 小学生语文阅读书 (十本) 小狐狸的故事 (五本) 怪杰佐罗力 (四本) 数学帮...